Hey all. Draft stage has completed and this proposal has been updated with the filled proposal template! It will be moved to the Live GFP Stage once posted on Snapshot.
The Snapshot will be taken Thursday evening, so it gives you a few days to do whatever action you feel is right for you to get ready for voting.
Between raids and the lending network, we have 11 million Guard, which is plenty to fill the quorum. Again, Snapshot will be taken this coming Thursday, February 1st. I mention this because a little lower I will be talking about a Snapshot too, and I don’t want anyone to get confused.
What happened in the past, was since reversed, and how a proposal helps solve this issue:
I don’t think anyone noticed, but a Snapshot was taken for this proposal earlier today. Special Council noticed that we slipped up and no announcement made it through to the community for you to have sufficient time to remove your tokens out of your raids in order to participate in the voting. So, we made the call to delete the Snapshot, and have it reposted this coming Thursday like I mentioned above. This will give everyone plenty of time to get ready for voting. The announcement not making it out was totally on us. We dropped the ball on communication. It’s our first time being Special Council, so we’re going to get better, and as we move forward, we will post as close to the schedule planned as possible. The issue with having to move tokens around will be improved with the Guard LP for Voting Proposal, which will be posted on Snapshot this week too, so look forward to sharing your opinion on whether you want to have that pass or not! We’re all in this together, so we’re looking forward to all the future proposals that come from the community that help us dial this all in!