The Guard FDN Governance Framework

:star2: The Guard FDN Governance Framework :star2:

Our Guard Foundation Governance Framework can be seen here.


This governance framework isn’t just a document, it’s a testament to our collective power. Every GUARD Token holder now can shape the future of The Guard Foundation.

Your voice and vote matter in steering the direction we take.

At the core of this framework is our commitment to fair and transparent decentralization.

It’s not just a buzzword for us; it’s our operational ethos. By giving control to our community members, we’re building a system that’s not just for Guard holders, but by Guard holders.

Sustainable and Forward-Thinking: Sustainability isn’t just about longevity; it’s about evolving and adapting. Our governance model is designed to grow with us, embracing the unconventional and moving with purpose and direction.

Every step we take, every decision made, will be in full view of our community. And remember, in our ecosystem, one GUARD Token equals one vote – a true representation of equality.

Your Role is Crucial: Dive into the world of proposals, discussions, and decision-making.

Whether it’s submitting an idea, voting on a proposal, or engaging in discourse, your participation is what will drive us forward.

We’re not just building a foundation; we’re paving the way for a new era of creativity, collaboration, and innovation on the blockchain. The future is bright, and it’s ours to shape.

Keep an eye out for forthcoming office hours to discuss the governance framework and how you can participate by providing proposals, voting on proposals, and shaping the future of the Guard FDN!

Remember, this is the current governance structure, it can be changed through governance, so if you have any ideas or suggestions get familiar with the proposal process and practice communicating it to recruit other Guard holders to vote for your proposed changes!

The special council is here to help you navigate it. If you have any questions please use the general chat area and tag a Special Counsel member.

Greg Esman (gregory) and Matthew Walrath (matty dubs) are the community leads for governance proposals.

Let’s continue to make history together!