I’m getting confused between the visual representation of the relationships of the entities that equate all of “this” (Foundation, DAO, SC, Administrators)
In particular between Point 6 & 7 I think some clarity is required.
totally get that the “Foundation” is the legal entity. That is clear in point 6.
However in Point 7 we begin to delinerate roles
The Foundation (essentially a trinity of relationships) legally formed as an entity
- SC (supports the legal enty of the Foundation by providing oversight of the Administrators)
so it seems to mere that there should be a dotted line in the Visual of point 6 to show that connection and also probably the Administrator bubble should be beneath the SC not to the right of the Foundation bubble)
- The Administrators…this is where the real confusion comes in (besides the above relationship diagram discrepancy)
According to:
The handbook is interchanging words to say something when in fact each of those terms have their own definition, function, and relationship within the context of “this thing called Guard Foundation”
The language is such that is reads that the “Foundation” (which is a legal entity) is responsible for administering the DAO’s (the community members’) decisions (proposals voted approved) …
but it is not the Foundation’s direct responsbility as the Foundation is the legal structure (entity)…
Rather it is the Administrator’s responsibility to, well administer
…which according to the last sentence of point 7 is Webslinger.
Websligher is NOT the entity…they are the Administrator that (I assume) has been contracted to provide the services listed
Therefore I think this language needs to be cleaned up in the Handbook to reflect and be in congruence with Point 6.
IF what I am saying makes sense to the community…SC, is this something I need to put forth as a GFP as it (theoretically) is a change to the governing documentation? Or since it doesn’t change governance itself, merely clarifies it…that is something an SC member can update (ie push a few buttons on Discourse and type a few words and update a pretty picture)