Guard FDN DAO Handbook

Guard Foundation DAO Handbook

This evolving guide is designed to help you navigate and understand the Guard Foundation DAO. Here’s what you can find:

Table of Contents

1. Intro to DAO’s & The Ownership Economy

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), such as the Guard Foundation DAO, represent a revolutionary approach to organizational structure, powered by the transparency and immutability of blockchain technology. DAOs operate on the principles of transparency, inclusivity, and direct participation, providing a platform where every member has a voice.

Guard Foundation DAO is a prime example of the emerging ownership economy, where users are not just passive consumers but active stakeholders. As holders of Guard Tokens, users have the ability to influence the direction of the DAO, participating in decisions ranging from governance policies to Ecosystem Fund Allocations. This level of involvement is a significant departure from traditional organizational structures, fostering a sense of community, shared purpose, and “collective momentum”.

2. How DAO’s work

Blockchain technology is what allows DAOs to maintain the integrity of their governance structures, proving the validity of consensus mechanisms on-chain. As the Guard Foundation DAO continues to decentralize and operate autonomously, smart contracts play an increasingly important role.

These self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code govern the proposal and execution processes within the DAO. They ensure that rules and procedures are followed consistently, without the need for a central authority or intermediary. Code automatically executes actions when certain conditions are met.

This could include releasing funds for a project once it has received sufficient votes or vesting token unlocks into the Ecosystem Fund. By automating these processes, smart contracts not only increase efficiency but also ensure fairness and transparency, reinforcing the core principles of the Guard Foundation DAO. Anything that cannot be automated through smart contracts is performed by a multi-sig wallet requiring 5 of 7 signatures validated on the blockchain.

3. Learn about the benefits and challenges of DAO’s

Guard Foundation DAO embodies the principles of collective ownership and democratized access to resources and decision-making abilities for its community. It excels at coordinating and incentivizing its diverse group of Guard Token holders towards common goals, such as funding proposals that enhance the value of the ecosystem or supporting initiatives that align with the DAO’s mission.

Guard Foundation DAO enables direct participation in decision-making, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement among its members. Moreover, Guard Foundation DAO is effective at managing and distributing resources transparently. Through the proposal process, resources are allocated based on community consensus. Each proposal undergoes a rigorous review and voting process, ensuring that resources are directed towards initiatives that have community support.

Aligning incentives is a critical aspect of Guard Foundation DAO’s operations. The DAO could potentially face a ‘tragedy of the commons’ scenario, where the lack of clear mandates or tangible benefits might discourage members from taking ownership of tasks or initiatives. To counteract this, Guard Foundation DAO will continue to implement community-led initiatives as well as the proposal process to incentivize active participation and ownership.

Efficiency challenges are a reality for the Guard Foundation DAO, as they are for many decentralized organizations. The need to achieve consensus among a diverse group of Guard Token holders can sometimes slow down decision-making processes. However, this is a feature, not a bug; ensuring that decisions reflect the collective will of the community and are not dictated by a central authority.

Dispute resolution in the Guard Foundation DAO is also a complex issue due to its decentralized nature. However, the DAO is committed to transparency and fairness in all its operations. Disputes related to proposals or decisions are addressed through open discussion and voting, ensuring that all voices are heard and that the final decision aligns with the majority’s view.

Despite these challenges, Guard Foundation DAO remains committed to its principles of transparency, inclusivity, and direct participation, continually seeking ways to improve its processes and structures.

4. What is the Guard Foundation DAO?

Primarily a grant-making foundation, The Guard Foundation DAO is a community-driven organization that operates on the principles of decentralization and autonomy. Any Guard Token holders may propose a GFP, or GUARD Foundation Proposal. The DAO will then deliberate, and vote on these initiatives which impact the Guardian Ecosystem. These GFPs often take the form of grants to incentivize the community to build out the overall GUARDIAN ecosystem.

5. Explore the Mission, Vision and Values of the Guard Foundation DAO

The mission of the Guard Foundation transcends conventional DeFi paradigms, which often focus solely on financial distributions and transactions. Since its inception, the Guard Foundation has been committed to a profoundly humanitarian cause: ‘Removing Suffering’ and ‘Doing Good in the World’. This commitment is woven into every facet of our operations and governance.

What Are We Here For?
The Guard Foundation exists as a vibrant, purpose-driven community aimed at making a substantial positive impact on society. Our mission compels us to continuously reflect on our purpose and to leverage our collective capabilities to innovate and implement solutions that address pressing global issues, particularly in mental health and ensuring well-being for future generations.

Engaging Purpose-Driven Enterprises
Part of our strategic approach involves forming alliances with purpose-driven businesses that are already making significant strides in bettering the world. By integrating these companies into the Guard Foundation ecosystem, we aim to create synergies that magnify our impact. These collaborations are designed to extend our reach and enhance our effectiveness, enabling us to transform goodwill into tangible, impactful actions.

Physical Engagement and Real-World Impact
In addition to digital initiatives, the Guard Foundation emphasizes the importance of physical engagement. Implementing projects that have a real-world impact is crucial to fulfilling our mission. This physical dimension of our work ensures that the benefits of our efforts are felt tangibly across communities, thereby reinforcing our commitment to alleviating suffering and enhancing the quality of life globally.

A Unified Vision
The Guard Foundation encourages every member of our community to think expansively about the potential of our collective efforts. We are a beacon for innovation and altruism in the blockchain space, dedicated to the principles of equity, transparency, and sustainable development. By focusing on our foundational mission, we ensure that financial outcomes serve as a means to a greater end: a world with less suffering and more opportunities for all to thrive.

Core Values

  • Unconventionality: We don’t shy away from “weird”. It’s the only path to “eccentric”
  • Equality: One GUARD equals one GUARD. We never discount any member’s contributions.
  • Transparency: Processes and decisions are shared openly with the community.
  • Collective Momentum: We share a collective vision.
  • Velocity: We move with purpose and direction.
6. Learn about the DAO's structure and key roles

The Guard Foundation DAO is structured as two parts of a larger whole.

The DAO are the ones who operate the ship, making decisions about where to go, how to navigate, and what actions to take. They’re not just passive passengers; they’re actively involved in steering the ship, planning the route, and navigating the waters, together.

Once a proposal is drafted or a direction is decided on, the DAO needs an entity to provide the structure, resources, and initial direction needed to achieve that purpose.

That’s where the Guard Foundation comes in.

The Guard Foundation is the tangible, physical entity that provides the structure, resources, and initial direction. It’s built with a specific purpose in mind and is equipped with everything needed to achieve that purpose.

The Guard Foundation needs the DAO structure to bring its vision to life. The DAO needs the Foundation company to provide the framework and resources for its governance processes.

7. Get insights into the Guard Foundation

Within the Foundation and the DAO, there are various roles and entities, each with their own responsibilities and functions. First, let’s dive into the Guard Foundation.

The Guard Foundation:

“The Guard Foundation is the steward of Guardian Token. It is not an overseer, but the base layer on which Guardian Token holders in the Guard Foundation DAO can build. The Foundation facilitates decentralized and community-led governance and is designed to become more decentralized over time.”

The Foundation is tasked with administering the decisions of the Guard Foundation DAO, and is responsible for day-to-day administration, bookkeeping, project management, and other tasks that ensure the DAO community’s ideas have the support they need to become a reality. This also ensures that the innovative ideas from our community have the necessary support to come to life.

Special Council:

The Special Council is a seven-person elected group of DAO members who provide oversight of the Foundation administrators. Members of the Special Council are elected for one-year terms.

The Special Council is responsible for administering DAO proposals and serving the vision of the community. They meet to discuss proposals requiring administrative review under Guard Foundation DAO rules.

The DAO Administrators:

The DAO Administrators are engaged:

To provide operational support and project management support for the Foundation:

  • To act as the team of moderators, administrators, and lead in Discourse;
  • To act as the team of reviewers to prepare reports and any other supporting documentation necessary; and
  • Manage Discourse and Snapshot.
  • The admin roles can be expanded through governance.

The Guard Foundation’s current DAO Administrators are WebSlinger.

8. The Guard Foundation Treasury

The Treasury Wallet: 0x82c1B00d7194a72Fa82dA991411299E53777E667

The wallet address of the treasury multi-sig wallet is above. By clicking the link above, you can track the value of the treasury, along with audit the use of the treasury. This is done by looking at the dates of most recent transaction where money has moved.

Remember, no money can be moved without governance. This means that you, as the community, are the ones in charge of allowing money movement out of the Guard FDN Treasury. The wallet is controlled by a multisig wallet, requiring at least 3 signatures for a transaction to go through. These signatures come from a combination of Guard FDN Administrators and Special Council members, and lead by the community’s permission via governance proposals.

9. Learn about Guard Token holders, and their role in the DAO

Guardian Token Holders are not just passive participants in the Guardian Ecosystem - they’re an integral part of the Guard Foundation DAO. With the power to propose initiatives, engage in meaningful discussions, and cast votes on key proposals, token holders play a crucial role in the decision-making process.

10. DAO Processes

The Guard Foundation DAO operates through a series of processes, including proposal creation, discussion, voting, and implementation. The proposal process allows any member to propose a change or initiative. Once a proposal is made, it is open for discussion by the community. After the discussion period, the proposal is put to a vote. If the proposal is approved by the community, it is then implemented by the DAO Administrators.

11. Dive into the Guard Foundation DAO proposal process

Any DAO member can create a proposal which is then discussed and voted on by the community. A new proposal can be vague, a simple idea, but for it to go to vote it needs to follow the GFP Draft Template 2. Draft coming soon.

12. Guardian Token tokenomics & allocations

The total supply of Guardian Token is permanently fixed at 50 million tokens. There is no minting capability in the contract, thus the total supply will never increase. Similarly, the contract interface does not expose any token-burning capability.

There are no team or project allocations for guardian tokens. 12% of the supply is reserved for the Guardian Foundation treasury to be controlled by governance vote.

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