Introduce Yourself And Make Friends

Let’s get to know each other. Introduce yourself and make new friends.

Please use the following format:

My name is__________ [you can use your real name, discourse name or a nickname]

What excites me most about what I do is _______________

And tell us what you are most looking forward to as part of our Guard FDN community! Our inaugural special council will kick it off below


Hey everyone, welcome to the GUARD Foundation.

My name IRL is Dwayne but you can tag me here @Staywolfish. I’m excited to be one of the Special council members and really looking forward to assisting and participating in the Guard FDN community!

Take your time to look around and check things out.


Hey everybody! My name is Matt but you can tag me here @matty_dubs. I’m one of the Special Council members and look forward to supporting the GUARD Foundation and this community.

I’m a lover of surfing and business. When I’m not in the ocean or supporting GUARD Foundation - I am working on my business Crypto Tax Made Easy.


Hello Guard FDN community! I’m Jay B from Base Case and Build, and I’m thrilled to join you as one of the Special Council members.

I am an advocate of the ‘Live to Learn, Give to Earn’ philosophy which is a big reason why I am here. The Guard FDN core values align with my mission to positively impact young lives.

I look forward to seeing and supporting the amazing projects that will emerge here. Let’s make a lasting difference together!


Hey Guard FDN Community,


My name is Anne ( a few other names you might know me as OrphanAnnie, OrphanWolf and MamaWolf). I am on the inaugural Special Council for the Guard Foundation.

What excites me most about what I do is helping others see what is possible, giving encouragement and inspiration to those around me.

I am looking forward to working with the Guard community to bring proposals to the community, share information on partnerships and proposals allowing the Guard foundation to support IRL initiatives. Looking forward to what lies ahead

Onward and Upward



Welcome in…

My name is Sean, tag me at @SeanK. Im on the Special Council and will do my best to support the community as we push forwards

Im a family man, like to help others be better and in my spare time I’lll throw some weights around!

Looking forward to sharing information, bringing proposals to the community and growing as a whole

Onwards we go…


Hey everyone! Welcome to the GUARD Foundation.

I’m Greg, @gregory, and I’m also on the Special Council.

What excites me most about what I do is sharing knowledge with others and encouraging them onwards toward their goal.

This is exactly what I’m most looking forward to sharing with everyone as I help support the community in the Guardian Foundation.


Hey everyone! Welcome to the GUARD Foundation.
Greetings and Salutations!

I’m Nick, AKA @NickDoc, and I’m honored to be part of the Guard Foundation Special Council.

What excites me most about what I do currently is being a path of tremendous growth and self discovery. I consider myself an underdog, I’m a sucker for the underdog story, and I love to help others do what they once thought impossible.

I most looking forward to helping the Guard Foundation take the Guard community to the next level of organization, engagement, and execution on its overall mission.


Hey Everyone! I’m most well known here as @EJNoble.

What excites me most about what I do is that I get to be with people who are working tirelessly day and night to change the world. I’m an entrepreneur by both day and night. Work is my hobby.

Looking forward to seeing how the Guard Foundation plays a pivotal role in the future of Web3 and beyond.



My name is Brandon or @Stash
What excites me most about what I do is I’ve been in the video game industry for over a decade. I’m working on some fun web3 gaming projects to publish with this community and share with everyone soon…

Mostly looking forward to building fun and exciting games with deep narrative and exploring web3 with great people.


Hey my name is Jake Anderson.

What excites me most about what I do is getting to play my game with amazing people who strive to do good in the world. Being in the creative space, I love seeing projects come to life and the impact it makes on the people I get the privilege to serve.

I’m excited to see what’s to come in this next phase with the Guard FDN! Have been around since December of 2021, and have stuck around for a reason. The team, the vision, the community!


My name is WIZARD, hailed as the greatest magician of all time. Throughout the ages, I have been in anticipation, waiting for the pivotal moment when the prophecy of the Foundation comes to fruition. With unwavering resolve, I look forward to fulfilling this ancient foretelling.

Armed with my powerful staff, I am prepared to lead the way in the Guard’s quest to conquer the world. With every spell I cast, dragons and demons will be banished, clearing the path for our triumph. My magic is the beacon that will guide us through this epic journey, ensuring that the prophecy is not just a myth, but a reality we will achieve together.


My name is Steven Liu, @LordFrumpsalot

What excites me most about what I do is I get to manufacture commercial and aerospace components from raw billet material that goes in all types of finished goods. In my free time, I spend with the wife and fur babies.

I also dabble with the @WIZARD in his many experiments.

Looking forward to the many great things this community will continue to do in the not so distant future!


Omg coolest skills ever! Manufacturing from billet material is an incredibly useful skillset that I would love to learn myself.


Hey everyone, my names Marc. I’m pumped to see the Guard FDN live.

IRL I get to help people heal and realize their potential. Through the power of chiropractic I love watching people’s eyes light up as the realize what it’s like living with a clean nervous system.

I’m most excited to see the Guard FDN bring utility, entertainment, education and more to the real world through the power and innovations available in blockchain.


My name is Scott T (IRL) or octagon57 on discord

What excites me most about what I do is that it is play time in my life, I am retired from business, manage my investment portfolio, play with crypto, and collect art in the form of NFT’s

And tell us what you are most looking forward to as part of our Guard FDN community! Our inaugural special council will kick it off below. I am looking forward to seeing what becomes of the Guard FDN and the projects that are associated with the foundation.


My name is David, aka Crypto Hitz

After serving in the US Navy I jumped around a bit until finding a fit in Outside Sales in the Construction Industry. I am currently a Territory Sales Manager working with over 80 dealers in 2 states. I enjoy mentoring up and coming sales people and sharing my years of work and life experiences with all.

I have two motto’s:

Living the dream
Don’t take life so serious, none of us are getting out alive

I came across the Wolf Den not long after the story began and being new the crypto I was very confused because a lot of success came from actions that made no sense… meme coins??
I have watched the WD evolve ahead of the industry and creation of the FDN is a deciding moment in the future of the ecosystem. I, among most others, am excited to see what this next bull run brings after seeing all the deep pillars being laid to support the growth.


My name is Gerry

What excites me most about what I do is about the exponential returns from investing in new and emerging asset classes in the Defi space.

What I’m most looking forward to as part of the Guard FDN community is the never ending education, entertainment and enlightenment that it provides.


Hi, my name is Gus, I am a stuffy, kinda maybe like a wolfden maskot type of thing. I love the wolfden, Guard community.
I love just being me. I love to laugh.
Looking forward as the foundation grows, it’s very exciting for me to learn as we grow. I love learning new things.


Hi all, my name is JP, aka @Treebeard

What excites me most about what I do is I am working on building a parallel healthcare system in the form of a direct-care model telehealth practice, offering functional health and integrative medicine support across several states.

What I am most looking forward to as part of this community is continuing to learn about the utility of defi crypto, especially Guard. I’ve been an investor in this for a while now, and hope to see it continue to grow and flourish.