In my opinion, there are a lot of Guard investors inside Telegram and a lot of them have not been following along with the changes that the Guard FDN has brought.
This is not speculation but evidence based on conversations we have been having inside the TG the last 4 days.
It is the aim to use the tg channel to reduce the barrier into the Guard Eco System for all existing investors, and possible new ones.
I believe this move meets 3 out of 5 of the Core values of The Guard FDN:
- Transparency: Processes and decisions are shared openly with the community.
The proposed TG channel will highlight what Guardians are about, an easy way for a Guardian to be helpful to others in ways such as sharing important & timely updates.
- Collective Momentum: We share a collective vision.
After discussions inside the TG, I’ve seen Guard investors have a fire in their belly, keen to support and to be helpful where necessary. This will set up the next step and 5th Core Value of The FDN
- Velocity: We move with purpose and direction.
Once we have a channel where everyone is on the same page, we can row with purpose and direction.
Currently the channel is owned by existing guard members, who I am sure will relinquish ownership to the Guard FDN.
I feel if we choose community members (in different timezones) to admin the group, perhaps make some SC admins too.
And we put some guidelines forth on how it should run;
Then this becomes a powerful asset for the Guard FDN.