Status update request for GFP 3 (Voting with LP Tokens)

Thanks for your inquiry here, and my apologies for the delayed response.

What is being done to resolve the issues and resume governance?

  • The SC continues to meet as needed, and when new information presents to resolve the issue. Sometimes the SC won’t meet for weeks, sometimes we meet multiple times a week.

  • The Guard DAO community can expect an update in the near future that will provided the latest information about the status of the Guard FDN.

  • As has been stated before officially and unofficially - the SC has been doing everything in its power to resolve the issue.

Stay tuned for the official update.

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Firstly, I want to thank @RealJasonAnsley for the incredibly detailed and persistent questions. Glad to have you as part of this community.

Secondly, I’d like to “bump” this thread to see if there has been any progress made on this. I understand there are legal things in the background, but being in the dark for going on, 7 months now? Seems to be antithetical to the transparency I was hoping the DAO was/is striving for.

I look forward to some form of update in some form. I know things are “early,” but hope you all understand the frustration from lack of communication (albeit by the SC, webslinger, whomever). As a DAO, I feel as though some members voices/concerns are falling on deaf ears.